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Phiala Jane Thouvenin’s Portfolio

My professional coding portfolio.

Here is my resume.

Here is my LinkedIn profile.

Here is an example of simple machine learning tools as applied to missing particle tracking data. This uses Scikit-learn and Pandas.

Here is an example of code I wrote to displace synthetic particles using a k-d tree method and particle image velocimetry data, further utilizing Pandas for data analysis. [repo]

Here is an example of code I wrote to mask images based on foreground and background estimation, using Pandas, HDF5, and image processing tools. [repo]

Here is an example of using the surfaces generated in the previous example to give an estimate of surface slope, using Pandas, HDF5, and image processing tools. [repo]

Here is an example of manipulating NumPy arrays and saving them as scientific grid file formats (for Generic Mapping Tools and netCDF4). [repo]

Please feel free to contact me at with any questions!